Post Import
Teaching: 15 min
Exercises: 10 minQuestions
What other house keeping needs to be done?
Change repository default branch in github
Access Mana via Open OnDemand
Start an interactive deskop view
Setup your Mana SSH key for github
Clone your repository to Mana and initialize the lesson
Setting up the default branch
Once the repository has been imported into your github account we want to make it simple to be in the right branch when we clone the repository for local editing.
Accessing Mana via Open OnDemand
Now that the repository has the right default branch set, we need to get into an environement that we can use to initialize the lesson repository.
Imported repository still needs initialization
The intial imported repository is missing key files to generate pages on github. The initialization step will create these files, but it requires python
So that everyone is in a common environment, we will use Open OnDemand and connect to a Desktop session on Mana
An incognito browser sessions is reocmmended for Open Ondemand so that you can “logout” by closing the browser window.
Setup your Mana SSH key for github
Now that you have a desktop on Mana, open up a terminal. The first step we want to deal with is setting up github with our SSH key so we no longer need to use our password when using git from Mana and our github account. We are looking for your public key on Mana.
cd ~/.ssh
ls id_*.pub
You should see a file named “” or “” This file would represent your default SSH key public. We want to copy this content and add it as a SSH key in github
cat ~/.ssh/
Copying can be done by just highlighting the text in your terminal so you can paste it into your github SSH & GPG key list. Upper right, click on user icon and go into settings
SSH key security
For security some users like to put a password on SSH keys. On Mana the default key is passwordless, but users can create a different key with a password, just making sure to not overwrite the existing key. Using a non-default key is outside the scope of this tutorial.
Clone your repository to Mana and initialize the lesson
Now that we should have our key setup, with our still open terminal, create a directory on Mana where we can put the cloned respoistory
mkdir hidsi
cd hidsi
Once in the directory let us get the SSH version of the clone address for our repository and clone it locally.
git clone
Once the repository is local, we can now initilize it.
cd ~/hidsi/swc-tutorial
python3 bin/
A few new files should now be present in our repository
git status
Finally, add the new files, commit the changes and push it back to github
git add --all
git commit -m "initialized"
git push
Key Points